27 Apr 2024
Exciting time ahead for neighbourhood houses in Wodonga
Felltimber and Baranduda Community Centres, both formerly operated by Wodonga Council, have transitioned back to being community run.
Bandiana Neighbourhood House and Birallee Park Neighbourhood House were both successful with their applications to take over the leases and funding agreements for Baranduda and Felltimber respectively.
"This is fantastic for Birallee", said manager Edwina Bugge. "We've been looking for an alternative location for several years now, so we've appreciated the opportunity to move our neighbourhood house into a new home.
"The Felltimber centre is such a great community asset, and we look forward to exploring new opportunities with the local communities."
Both neighbourhood houses will both continue operating from their existing locations at Bandiana Army Base and Emerald Avenue as well.