Neighbourhood House Networks are funded through the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program (NHCP) to provide the following services to neighbourhood houses in their Network:
Governance and management support to committees and staff
Advice on neighbourhood house programs and activity development
Training and training resources
Capacity building and links, with and between Neighbourhood Houses and other community organisations and the local and regional level
The Network is governed by a Committee of Governance, and employs a Network Coordinator for 19 hours/week.
As well as providing the above services, the UMRNHN actively seeks funding to deliver Network-wide projects that will build the capacity of our members to work in emerging priority areas, such as the reduction of loneliness and isolation, and building community resilience.
Networks also play a strategic role at a state level. Network Coordinators meet regularly with our peak body, Neighbourhood Houses Victoria, to contribute to strategies for the whole sector.

Highlighting issues that impact neighbourhood house sustainability
Gathering data that demonstrates neighbourhood house impact
Promoting the activity of members through the Network website, social media, and newsletter
Raising awareness of neighbourhood houses as key community assets
Developing strategic partnerships
Behind the Scenes at the neighbourhood house - gambling harm reduction project
Enabling Communities: from the heart of the community - bushfire recovery project
Connecting Community in Upper Hume Pilot - social prescribing project
Hume Social Enterprise Network - support for social enterprises in Hume Region