The Upper Murray Regional Neighbourhood House Network (UMRNHN) is one of 16 networks working with neighbourhood houses across rural, regional and metropolitan Victoria. The Networks are funded to provide governance and operational support and resources to their member neighbourhood houses and centres. Networks also have a facilitative and advocacy role, enabling their members to participate in broader community strategies and discussions.
In the Upper Murray Region there are six Local Government Areas: Indigo, Wodonga, Wangaratta, Moira, Alpine and Towong. These municipalities include large regional centres, small towns and villages, and semi-rural and rural areas. There are 16 funded neighbourhood houses in the Upper Murray, all of which are members of the UMRNHN.
Click here for the full list of neighbourhood houses in the Upper Murray.
Our purpose
Our Network exists to empower, support and enable our members to be outstanding and impactful community development leaders in their communities.
Our values and principles
Inclusive – we encourage participation from all our members, and treat everyone equitably
Collaborative – our strength is in working together with the skills and knowledge of our members and partners
Empowering – we work with our members in identifying opportunities, and look for inspired ways to build capacity
Innovative – we are creative in seeking opportunities and facing challenges
Respectful – we treat everyone with kindness, consideration and compassion, and foster and support respectful relationships
Learning – we provide opportunities for learning and skills development and focus on strengthening personal and organisational capacity
Responsive – we are open-minded and receptive to the voices of our members, and respond with care and consideration

We are funded by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, through the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program
We have a volunteer Committee of Governance drawn from our members, meeting at least four times annually. Our latest Annual Report can be found here.
Legal structure
The UMRNHN is an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic). Our Constitution can be found here
Strategic Plan
We have a three year Strategic Plan covering 2022-2024. Our current Strategic Plan can be found here
We develop strategic partnerships and collaborations that will benefit our members